a book reviewed: Pandora’s Succession

Book cover

And now for something different, at least here: a book review. I recently read Pandora’s Succession. It’s the first novel from Russell Brooks.

This is an spy/action/suspenseful thriller with some science (or maybe SF) thrown in. It’s not a genre I generally read; not sure it’s one I’ve ever read before, in fact. Don’t think it’s going to get me to start reading a ton of action thrillers now, but I enjoyed this ride. There’s a sequel in the works and I plan to be along for the fun then, too.

The story moves along quickly and is an easy read. Our hero is a super(b) spy type and very likable. He goes from one tense situation to another, sometimes getting out of a jam on his own, sometimes with help. There are dastardly villain types, and they come from multiple opposing camps, which helps keep the action going and makes for a more complex and interesting storyline. A lot of research went into the development here: there are a technical details included, often helping keep the fantastic story plausible, though I found they made things drag a bit a few times, too. Mostly the story just moves right along.

I did notice a few glitches in the text; seemed like a word was missing a few times and in one spot seemed like a few words might be missing. I understand this is due to conversion errors when the Nook version was created, and it didn’t bother me, but just letting you know.

In case you are inclined to want a rating, I give this a 3.5 out of 5. The book is available on Amazon and Barnes&Noble as an eBook, and while poking around on the author’s website, I found that there are buttons to buy four formats on the author’s website under the Store link.

Minor disclaimer: the author is one of my Twitter connections, and I suppose I might be predisposed to like the book, but I did enjoy the read. Besides, most of our conversations have been about cats, not his writing.

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